Hiring the right person should be easier. We've been providing software sales recruitment services since 2004.
Recruit & Hire Sales Hunters
Missing Out on New Business?
Recruiting Top Hunters is the Key to Winning New Business
Our specialty is recruiting sales talent who knows how to proactively win new business.
We can help you find the kind of salespeople who know how to drive interest, start new conversations, meticulously manage sales cycles, and solve complex problems.
The kind of people who can get prospective customers to make tough decisions and implement changes that will drive their businesses forward.
When we recruit for hunters, we’re looking for sales candidates who:
- Understand how to proactively target prospects.
- Use ALL channels: phone, email, and social media to prospecting for new business.
- They are disciplined and consistent in their new business acquisition strategies.
- Adaptable, flexible, and constantly iterating sales processes based on what’s working and what’s not.
- Have a history of winning new business using a sales methodology rather than “winging it.”
Ready for Some Recruiting Help?
All-Star Hunters are Playing a Different Game
Don’t let your sales team become the weak link. It will be impossible to achieve the growth you need to attract capital, potential buyers, or influential executive talent.
We’ve spent 20 years navigating the tough terrain so you don’t have to.
⇒ Avoid the Wrong Fit
Hiring an Account Manager or a Channel Rep is NEVER what you need when you’re looking for a hunter.
⇒ Avoid Reps Who Have Already Peaked
Salespeople lose their mojo. Switching jobs might be their answer. We see this as a high-risk hire, not a de-risked opportunity.
⇒ Avoid Salespeople Who are Ready for an Exit
Most hunters eventually lose their enthusiasm for the role. This can be easy to overlook because it’s nuanced. We can help you avoid hiring those on the way out.
⇒ Proactive or Situationally Dependent?
Lucky or disciplined? Elite hunters don’t rely on multiple SDRs, inbound leads, $$MM marketing budgets, house accounts, favoritism, or hot markets.