Welcome To Optimal Sales Search

ACCELERATE GROWTH Technology Sales Recruiters & Marketing Talent Experts

Technology sales recruiters collaborating on a hiring strategy in a modern office.

Expert Technology Sales Recruiters & Marketing Talent Specialists

Recruit Elite Tech Sales & Marketing Talent and Surpass Your Revenue Goals

Technology Expertise

Celebrating 20 years of success in technology sector recruitment.

Nationwide Sales Search

Start interviewing on-target sales talent anywhere in the US easily.

Sales & Marketing Roles

Start meeting best-fit candidates without sacrificing speed.
Trusted by ambitious software companies since 2004.

Your Growth Depends on Who You Hire

Better results with A-Players
Maximize your recruiting efforts by hiring top-tier talent. Focus on hiring the people you need to get results.


Accelerate your growth. Find sales and marketing talent who will help position your solutions, win new clients, open new verticals, and build referencable clients.

  Established Firms

Accelerate your growth trajectory. Recruit talent who will help you go up market, leverage existing successes, and launch new solutions.

  Portfolio Companies

Strengthen your market position. Bring in talent who will align sales processes, boost strategic execution, and enhance profitability.

Business professionals discussing software sales hiring strategies in a modern glass conference room.

Technology Sales Recruiting Services & Marketing Talent Experts

Strategic Sales Hiring: Find Elite Sales & Marketing Talent and Exceed Your Revenue Goals

Tailored Strategies

We create custom hiring strategies that align with your business goals, using market insights and advanced sourcing to attract top sales and marketing talent.

Enjoyable Experience

Enjoy the search process! Collaborate in a well-run search supported by a five-star experience designed to help best-fit candidates join your team.

Execution for Results

We manage every step with precision, from outreach to interviews, adjusting as needed to deliver the talent that drives your success.

Put Tech Sales Recruiting & Marketing Talent Experts to Work for You

WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU: We’re here to help you achieve your growth goals. We can introduce you to the sales and marketing talent you need to drive results and hit your revenue targets.

  • Interview On-Target Sales & Marketing Talent: Connect with high-performers from your space.
  • Quick Start: Start interviewing in 5-10 business days.
  • Peace of Mind: Benefit from our 90-day replacement guarantee.
  • Ready to drive growth? Contact us today.
I have had the great fortune to work with Optimal Sales Search over the years, when I need to expand a sales organization Sonja is the first person I call. Her ability to source highly sought after talent in an efficient manner is incredible. She has great insight within the technology sector and provides valuable insight to help scale organizations throughout North America. Do yourself a favor, quit reading this recommendation and call Sonja!
Bob Carpenter
Regional Vice President of Sales, Smartsheet
Let's talk about your recruitment situation today!